A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Calendar Baby

Over the weekend, I got really ambitious, and really hormonal apparently, because I could not live another day without the peanut butter cake. I hauled Harrison to Wegmans with me, got all the necessary ingredients and equipment, and went to town. Tasting the first bite of my creation was like salvation. I have never been prouder of anything I've made, well... maybe besides Harrison.
Like peanut butter fudge in cake form
I was physically unable to blog yesterday because of this:
Last week, my mom whipped out our baby calendars. For the record, I did not know such a thing existed. She was looking back to see when all of us rolled over, crawled, got our first tooth, etc.. so that I could compare these dates to Harrison's, and make sure he is not behind. What I loved about this version of a baby book, was that for each milestone, you just stuck a sticker on the actual date of when it happened. Fool proof. Harrison has a baby book, but do you know how hard those things are to upkeep? We all know that I'm lazy, and forgetful, but sticking stickers on things is fun, so I can remember to do that.

Instead of blogging yesterday, I was 100% committed to the calendar. It took up all of my free time. It's pretty tedious looking back through all of my blog posts to see when Harrison did certain things, ok?
The annoying thing about this particular calendar, is for every month, it has a space to write sleeping and feeding patterns. It got really depressing that for every one of the six months I was able to complete, I had to write the exact same thing. Especially for the sleeping patterns. "Wakes up multiple times throughout the night, pissing me off." Last night he woke up an astounding 7 times. Seven. Some 6 month old children sleep through the night. Please feel bad for me.
It's not my fault 
Luckily, he is so cute, and wears Geneseo apparel well, so I can't stay mad at him.


  1. I've never heard of a baby calendar. I'd totally be lazy about a baby book, too. I have an awesome wedding scrapbook thing and I did a grand total of like one entry for it.

    I would feel bad for you, but the insanely cute pictures of Harrison make me think you still have a good thing going.

  2. Wait, Mom has those for us? How have I never seen that?

    I definitely feel bad for you. Harrison is top notch in baby cuteness and his sleeping behavior should be cream of the crop as well. Unacceptable. Speaking of cake we need to make brownie pudding when I visit.

  3. I need that picture of the peanut butter deliciousness to come to life and let me eat it. Right meow.

    Also, I hope Harrison gets his act together ;-)
    He is too cute and I love him.
