A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

cabin fever made me write this

This weather is really putting a damper on my life. On almost a daily basis, I get bored sitting around the house for 11 hours waiting for Dave to get home from work. Usually, I can at least make an adventure out of a trip to Wegmans, go for a walk with the stroller, or find some excuse to step out into the wilderness to maintain my sanity. However, when I see on the morning news that it feels like -5 outside, I'll risk the cabin fever to not have to experience a sub zero wind whipping at my face.
Is this all we have to eat?
The evidence of me losing my mind due to being holed up in the apartment all day came last night, when I lost it to Dave. I had a small temper tantrum over the fact that Harrison will not nap, that he is almost 6 months old and has basically no schedule, and how his separation anxiety is getting so bad, that I could never possibly leave him with a babysitter for an extended period and feel assured. Obviously, this was all a minor overreaction, the kid will be fine. Eventually.

I know I've mentioned before that I am a pretty awful cook. I can keep whining about my lack of skill, or I can keep practicing, because practice makes perfect? Sometimes I find amazing looking recipes on Pinterest that need to be in my mouth, and then get really, really annoyed when I give myself a pep talk that I can cook it deliciously, and realize I'm missing some kitchen gadget or appliance that is needed to make it. Like, this scrumptious looking Peanut Butter Cake. Because I love peanut butter, and I love cake. And just when I convince myself that I will bake it, and the impossible oven I have to work with won't possibly burn it,

I notice you need a baking sheet with raised sides, which I don't have. Or when my sister TORTURED me with this brownie batter pudding she made, only to realize you need a mixer.  My sweet tooth is dying.

In the way that I like to look forward to events weeks in advance, my little (<3) invited me to an annual dinner we do at my all time favorite restaurant in a few weeks and I can't stop thinking about my excitement, or stop looking at the restaurant's menu.
Last year at dinner, before I turned into a rabid animal and went apeshit on that food 
If you know me, you know what restaurant I am referring to. Plus, as if I didn't already make it clear that I need a break from constant child care, I need a break from constant child care. I am excited to see some girls that I haven't seen in forever, catch up, and eat the most delicious food.

Can someone please send me a delicious, homemade dessert??


  1. Is it that place we went the night before your graduation? I forgot the name but that was the only time in my whole life I felt too full for dessert (not that I let that stop me). We need to start planning desserts for when I visit. Why are you guys wearing the same shirt?

  2. I work fulltime, but at home and I get cabin fever, too. Yesterday, I pretty much went nuts when Mike got home and he was like, "Yeah, you need to get out more and actually talk to people other than the dog."

  3. You should totally put your blog on bloglovin'! It's amazing and addicting.
