A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Death by exercise

I'm going to share a story that will hopefully make you feel sorry for me.

Last night, after Harrison went to bed, Dave decided to head to the gym. I knew I would feel bad about myself if he was off working out, and I was sitting on my ass, so I popped in a Jillian Michael's DVD. Specifically, No More Trouble Zones. If you've ever done it, you know how absolutely brutal it is, and if you haven't, just keep it that way unless you want to die. I got my motivation from the fact that I had recently purchased 3lb weights, which is what the ladies in the DVD use. Up until then, I was using 5lbs. I felt that the difference of 4lbs would actually make the workout easier.

Delusional. I still felt like my heart rate was so high that I might drop dead at any given moment.

Normally, I only do the first 4 circuits and feel like that is PLENTY, however something about the 4lb relief I had, made me feel like I was superwoman and could finish the entire DVD. This was a bad choice. When I somehow made it through, I felt like I was going to vom (taking a page out of Harrison's book), and also felt that 8:30pm was an acceptable bedtime at this point.

Here comes the part where you are supposed to pity me- I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a bus. Very reminiscent of the days when I would often wake up with a major hangover. I don't know if I should take the easy way out, and attribute this to significant dehydration, or own up to the reality of the situation that I am so, so out of shape. Either way, I know that if Jillian knew this, she would be maniacally laughing to herself out of the joy of kicking someone's ass.

My death from exercise is preventing me from going to my parents' today to do laundry. You know I'm in rough shape when coffee doesn't give me even a slight boost of energy. This also leaves me infuriated with myself, because laundry is like, essential life necessity #1 right now. Not food, not water... laundry.

So, the moral of the story is, Jillian is a maniac, and I am pathetically out of shape. Laugh at me if you wish. Good thing I got all the cleaning done yesterday, because my plans today include a lot of self-pity, and sitting on my ass. Oh, and eating. Lots of eating.

In other news, Harrison appeared to like his peaches. I have the progression of his eating through pictures:
What is this poison?
This is my pensive face



  1. That meme is amazing. Don't worry I died after my workout Monday too! Jillian makes the big bucks for a reason. I love the progression pics! I need to be around for a feeding.

    PS loving the daily updates! Well done.

  2. Hey. I give you props. Atleast you're working out!! I...am not. I need to get on that. And when I do, I know I will be in the condition you are experiencing...if not, worse.

    I also enjoy the progression pictures, and I also would love to witness this in person.


  3. OMG I have 3 Jillian Michaels DVDs...I've done them all once. She scares me. Her workouts are on par with the Insanity workouts. I know she will be my savior when it comes time to lose baby weight...but still, I is scared.

    Love that you are posting daily! And love the progression pics <3

  4. You worked out at NIGHT? Are you some kind of super woman??

  5. Seriously, you worked out after a full day of taking care of a baby. You're awesome.
