A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I need more excitement

I feel as though I'm at a standstill on blog topics. I can only write about Harrison's sleep training for so long and not bore you all to death. Plus, I'm sure you don't want to hear about all of the nasty sweet potato rashes that engulf his body, although, it would be pretty funny to provide you with a picture. That diaper rash was one for the books.

I do feel like I go on and on about upcoming events that I am excited for, that are often months, even years away, because my life is boring like that. Because when your day-to-day excitement is the 10-second laughing spree of a 5-month old, that you worked at for HOURS, it can get lame.

Yesterday, in my boredom, I started doing some online browsing for a dress to wear to our friends' wedding. They just recently got engaged over Christmas break, so mind you, their wedding probably won't even be for another year or more. I am obviously crazy excited, not only because I love weddings and they are the first of our friends to pursue nuptials, but I also love a good occasion to get myself a new dress. Even if this occasion is not even close to being in the foreseeable future, to which if I were to purchase a dress now, it most likely wouldn't even fit my no-longer nursing, burning 500 calories a day, body.

I literally have to count on events that are so far away to be able to have any glimmering hope that my life will be exciting.

Events I am excited for:

-______ & ________'s wedding
-Geneseo Alumni weekend in the spring. Aka Darcy's return to binge drinking
-Homeland Season 3.... obviously.
-Harrison's First Birthday. I don't want to wish away the age he is now, and I'm not, I just can't wait til that little piggy gets his hands on a cupcake and goes to town on the sugar... that shit is ALWAYS funny.
-The Colts making it to the Superbowl. Oh wait, did I just jinx myself? Nope, didn't, because I totally had a dream that they did, and that means it will come true.

Events I am not excited for:
-The end of breast feeding. Not gonna lie, it will be nice to own my body once again, but that calorie burning aspect is amazing, especially for one as lazy and hungry as I am
-Having to stop swearing on the reg. Ok- this time should really be now. I get the feeling that Harrison has learned his own name, so him picking up on language means I should be a little bit more careful with my own. I do love a good cuss word, though.

I'm too lazy to post any pictures... or I'm just too afraid that Harrison will wake up from his nap soon and I won't be able to shower if I take the time to put pics up. Sorry I'm not sorry.

What are you excited for?


  1. This cracks me up. Mike and I were talking this weekend about how we'd have to clean up the way we talk if we ever had kids. We don't swear a lot, mind you, but we do have some not nice nicknames for each other. I'm just not sure it would be good parenting to call your child's father "buttface" on the regular.

    I'm excited for my brother's wedding in March and then my first spring marathon the next weekend. It's going to be a busy spring.

  2. If Harrison has learned his own name then his next order of business if for him to learn MY name. And let's add "summer trip to Baltimore" to that list, mkay?

  3. You can just keep breastfeeding for years. You might even get to be on the cover of Time magazine :)
