A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Have you ever been puked on?

I'd like to think I am a very inspirational person, and yesterday it was proven true. Two of my friends started blogs, and were very excited for me to read them. I'll take the credit ladies, thank you. Ha but really, nothing excites me more than a new blog to read, so the two of you made my day! 

I always pretend that when Harrison does something successfully, it'll stay that way forever and he'll never disappoint again. This morning, I got a taste of how very wrong that is. Yesterday, I couldn't get him to nap for the majority of the day, so when quarter to five rolled around and he was acting exhausted, I knew he HAD to take a nap, even though that is pretty late in the day for one. By 6pm, he was still sound asleep, so I went in his room to wake him up. After taking the blanket off of him, taking his bear out of his clutches, rubbing his arm, and whispering his name, he was still fast asleep. I knew I was in for it. I said his name a little louder, and he woke up with some pretty intense crying. After crying for about 10 more minutes, acting real pissed that he was forced awake, he finally turned around and started acting like his normal, semi-happy self. 
Unless you put me in these ridiculous character towels

Since he napped so late, I let him stay up half an hour later than his normal bedtime. I didn't know if this was going to help, or hinder his nighttime sleep. The norm as of lately, is that he'll wake up 3-4 times throughout the night, once to eat, and the rest because he lost his damn pacifier and we have to put the thing back in for him. However, last night, he only woke up twice!! I'll take it. When he woke up at 6:15, I was frightened that he was up for good, but he went back to sleep. Til close to 8:30. HALLELUJAH. 

I get so happy about these small successes, that I forget that things can easily take a turn for the worse. I was on cloud nine, feeling so well rested, like a ball of energy, that in the midst of me throwing Harrison above my head, the worst possible thing happened. He projectile vomited all over my face. We have had some very close calls before, but somehow I had always managed to quickly redirect him and the vomit elsewhere. I didn't even see this one coming. All of the sudden I was blinded by a gooey, rotten milk smelling substance. Good morning to me. 
Look at this face, I'm innocent.

That was a long explanation of the story of how I was puked on in the face, but I really had to dramatize it up. In the back of my mind, I always knew this day was come, and it definitely lived up to all of the disgusting expectations I had. 

Today, Harrison gets to try a new fruit. I'm thinking peaches. He wasn't thrilled with either bananas or pears, so we will see. 
That shit is gross


  1. At least Harrison had the curtesy to give you a good night's sleep before vomiting on you :). Oh the joys of parenthood.

  2. Hahaha I just giggled at my desk picturing that happen. gross. But he's still so darn cute!

  3. Haha I do recall a certain bff of mine having to puke out the window of the car while sitting "bitch seat" in the back seat..I of course was next to the window, and got a slight string of puke on my jeans...and when I started to complain.. this lovely friend of mine yells at me "MELISSA, YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN TO LET ME SIT NEXT TO THE WINDOW!"....;) Hahaha should have known.

  4. I love the "I'm such a great mom" high...unfortunately, it never lasts. They can humble you pretty quick. Especially when vomit is involved! I am eagerly awaiting the day my kid can re-insert her pacifier independently!

  5. That's quite an awful start to the morning! My worst was when a kid made himself puke to get out of the reading lesson and I stepped in it and it got all over my pants and my principal wouldn't let me leave and I was dry heaving because I was so disgusted so I put on shorts that I'd worked out in that morning that had been sitting in a sweaty gymbag all day in my car and my shower flipflops because it was my only other option. This was in January. I'm still traumatized.

  6. Yesss I am one of those friends & it is all because of you that I started a blog (I admitted it). Your blogs literally make my days as I laugh out loud every time I read them.

    When can I see the little man again? He is getting so big & cuter and cuter by the day--even if he did puke all over your face. ha! :)

  7. Nothing like having your own bodily fluids partially digested and then thrown up on you. Ah, motherhood. So magical.
