A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Carrots are Gross

I'm ashamed to admit that with all of the nothingness that I had to do yesterday, I started a post and did not have enough energy to complete it. So pretend like it makes sense now:

It is currently 11:24am, and I will list to you what I've eaten so far today:

-a Wegmans Super yogurt topped with honey
-a banana with probably more peanut butter than is socially acceptable
-a slim jim
-chile lime puffed chips... not sure how many but I finished the bag off 

I am already contemplating what I should have for lunch, and when. Is 10 minutes from now an adequate lunch time? 

I find myself starving for lunch earlier and earlier. I've been known to consume a ham sandwich at 10:30am. The point of all this is that breastfeeding makes you fiend for food. I don't even think 'hungry' is a term that successfully conveys the appetite. Going into it, I knew breastfeeding could burn a ton of calories, but I guess I didn't put two and two together, that calories burned equals a hungrier person. I'm also not sure why lunch is my hungriest time of day, but I swear I have to eat three midday meals to feel full.

Speaking of lunches, I ran out of new fruits for Harrison to try. Any other day, I might make a trip to Wegmans to peruse the baby food aisle, but with the 6 inches of snow on the ground, I'll pass. So it's back to vegetables, and I am getting increasingly nervous that he will break out into another rash and I will cry for him. 

I think if I had to pick a food that I find more disgusting than any other food, it'd be carrots. Thus, when I fed carrots to Harrison and he made this face,

I knew I could never love him more than in this moment.

He has now learned the very difficult skill of sitting up.
and don't I look good doing it?
This was exciting at first, until he learned that sitting up meant he could propel himself forward to try to reach things. He has twice today thrown himself toward an object in front of him so hard, that even though I had been holding on to him, the sheer force was too much to control. He hit his head HARD both times and by the second time, I immediately whipped out the infant Tylenol. When he cries real tears, I know he means business. Also, before you jump to conclusions that I am drugging my child, he is teething pretty bad, and Tylenol seems to be the only thing that helps with the pain. I try teething rings, baby orajel, and rubbing his gums with my fingers but as you all know, drugs are the true magic.

Ahh yes, that feels better
I think I have to find a way to make myself more immune to his little crashes, because with two already today, and the countless crashes I'll have to witness when he starts crawling, pulling up on things, and walking, I just won't be able to handle the guilt of being the horrible mommy that didn't catch him. 

What food do you find more disgusting than any other food?


  1. Olives and ketchup - just the thought or smell makes me shudder. The picture of Harrison sitting up rivals the carrot one for cuteness. Why is the sad baby face so freaking adorable??

  2. Mayonaise. Gross. Hopefully thinking about it will kill the insatiable midday hunger that I also experience : ) And yay for Harrison sitting up! Baby whimper doesn't bother me, but once they turn on the true tears, I am nothing but a sucker who will do anything to make them stop! Agreed.

  3. Tomatoes and Ranch. I almost ate a raw tomato hiding in my food last night - I would have needed one of Harrison's bibs b/c I would have immediately spit it out!

  4. I am guilty of eating lunch as early as 10:30 and I'm not, nor have I ever been, breastfeeding. If I have a child, I'm frightened for the amount of food I will have to purchase..just for myself.

    I can only eat carrots if they're cooked or covered in dressing. I can only imagine that carrots smashed up are pretty horrendous!

  5. Fruit Loops/any artificial fruit flavored cereal...makes me cringe...and no I don't even like the Loopy Vodka. I still can't get myself to like tuna either...which is awkward because I want to like it for the sheer convenience of it.....

    Also. Harrison is a model. He knows how to work that camera. Sucha handsome little man.

  6. I don't like mayonnaise :)

    Your son is so adorable!

  7. OLIVES. Ew gross.

    Harrison makes me melt. What a ladies man.
