A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lies and Points

There are a lot of things people just don't tell you about childcare when you are pregnant. It boggles my mind how much new information I came across post-baby, that would have been really useful before having the kid, buying all the shit, etc...

One laughable "fact" I received from my pediatrician, no less, was that babies grow out of their fussy stage by 3 months. FALSE. Lies, lies and more lies. I would have preferred to know the truth about this matter- that some babies might become less fussy at 3 months. Here I was, like a fool, thinking that by 3, possibly 4 months (giving it some leg room), that Harrison would magically be cured of the fussing. Obviously, this did not happen.

Basically my takeaway from this knowledge is that there are no absolutes for babies, and if you hear ANYTHING that remotely describes their behavior, take it with a very large grain of salt.

The latest discovery I've made is that Harrison will need a new carseat soon. What no one told me when I was registering for all his crap, was that if you buy a travel system (carseat and stroller in one, sort of), the kid will sooner or later grow out of that carseat and need a larger one. I mean, I know that sounds pretty obvious, but when you register for a $200 baby Mercedes Benz, you would hope that the baby could use it for longer than 3/4 of his life.
You calling me fat?

Now, don't get me wrong, I've LOVED my travel system and gotten a lot of use out of it, and I'm not sure how else you would transport a 5lb baby if not in a carseat that hooks into the stroller like a freaking Hummer-sized version of a stroller, BUT... I still would have preferred the knowledge that at around 20lbs, be prepared to shell out another $150 for a new one. Obviously, like all baby products, the carseat prices range from like real cheap ($75), to the net worth of my current vehicle ($350), so after extensive research, I've decided on one that is in between.

Which leads me to my next topic: my procurement of the funds.

About a week ago, my college/blogger/fabulous Manhattan-living friend, told me about the company she works for, EXPOtv. The website is a collection of video product reviews. You make little one minute videos of stuff you already own (Pampers products, Clearasil products, nail polish, sunglasses) and earn points for the videos. The points are redeemable for bomb things, like pretty much a gift card to anywhere. I just earned my first $100 Amazon gift card last night, and am closing in on another $50 one... hence the description of the carseat, and I've only been at it for a week.

If you need me to say that in clearer terms, I am getting the carseat fo free, by making 1 minute videos.

I'm sure many of you have better uses of your time, but if you are an online shopping addict like me, then this will start to become the only use of your time. I am seriously addicted. Dave thought I like won the MegaMillions $338 million jackpot when I realized I had enough points to get my first Amazon gift card.

Here's my shameless part of the plug: if you like free money, which who doesn't, this is a perfect way to get it. You need to click this link (it helps me out, so just do it, because my life now revolves around getting points, so thanks).

I realize this makes me sound like a borderline extreme couponer, or something, but I'm ok with that. Since I don't work, this is my contribution, and it makes me really excited that I am even able to contribute without having to leave Harrison.

Do you have any unhealthy, shameless obsessions at the moment?


  1. I am so doing this. This is amazing!

  2. I totally just signed up! Sounds awesome!

  3. That is the most glorious thing ever!! NICE!

  4. Are you wearing a top in these videos?

  5. First and foremost I am wondering why you did not tell me about this today!!

    Second don't mock extreme couponing. I am on my way to become an extreme couponer (not really. its actually way more difficult that it looks but I try!!)

  6. OMG so much to say.
    first: as usual, Harrison is a cutie and I want to squish his little bum.
    second: I broiled steaks for the first time about a month ago and also had it erupt in flames, but luckily I caught it before a ton of smoke filled the kitchen.
    third: thank you for enlightening me on expotv! I am soooo going to sign up! I could use free monies.
