A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blogging Love Affiar

Sometimes, I need my allotted blogging time to take a shower. Sometimes, I skip the shower and blog. So on the days you don't see one, you can rest assured that I cleansed myself, like a civilized member of society (and on the days I do blog, just know that I will go on to give myself a whore's bath, and I will smell nicely nonetheless).

I really need to stop discussing Harrison's sleeping successes on here. Everytime I do, I jinx myself horribly. For example, after writing that he slept for 10 hours straight, he punished me, and continued his pattern of waking no less than 4 times a night. I am really working on his sleeping, because his first overnight stay is approaching- Alumni Weekend, where I am leaving him with my parents, and I would really like to think they could be graced with a restful-ish sleep. So Mom and Vince, all of my efforts are for you, not for myself.

All of my friends are eagerly getting ready for St. Patrick's Day drunkenness this Saturday, and I will be stuck at home with the kid. 
You mean, Stuck at home with the stud.

Am I a bad person that when I saw the weather report for Saturday calling for reallyyy cold temps, and snow, I was glad? It's not that I want them to be tortured in the cold, I would just rather they have a litttleee less fun since I won't be there. But I guess my absence will be less fun for them anyways, so that's probably enough.

Lately, I have been reflecting on how happy I am that I am a member of the blogging community. It's obvious that I love lists, so let me list the ways:

1. Increased knowledge

Reading blogs is surprisingly educational. Commenters provide you with a lot of wisdom (not being sarcastic, I swear!), and reading of other blogs brings you even more knowledge. Some of my saving graces with Harrison have come from comments, or from reading other mommy blogs. Or like, when you want to find a delicious recipe for a cake full of peanut butter, and you search it, and you get directed to a blog FULL of delicious recipes, and you've made like 50% of them already. See? Increased knowledge base. An increase of delicious foods in my mouth doesn't hurt either. 

2. More friends

Or at least you think you have more friends. You stumble upon random blogs, fall in love with the blogger, and become so obsessed that you convince yourself you are the best of friends, despite having never met. In my sister's case, you eventually meet up with your cyber friends, and it's like you've gone through Match.com but for friendships. 
Its obvious that these two are so happy to be my friend.

3. Increased Confidence

One of my greatest joys in life is hearing from my friends, who I didn't think even read my blog, tell me how much they love it, or that my captions are really funny. Just discovering that I have readers is greatly cherished, and a boost of self-worth that I'm not just writing this to pretend I have a life that people care about.

What do you mean people don't care about me?

When people continue on to say that my captions are funny, they might as well be telling me that I just won the Nobel Peace Prize, because I have never been prouder of myself. 

4. Having a proper outlet

One of my biggest pet peeves in life is now when people overshare on social media. I am a member of social media communities to be able to keep tabs on a plethora of humans, not to know every single detail about a specific human's life. I am also a social media attendee to help entertain myself when I am bored. When you are clogging my feeds with ten thousand posts about the delicious dinner you made, the detailed account of your 2 hour workout (that was probably only 30 minutes in actuality), and how you are so over members of the opposite sex, yet constantly say how much you'd like to be in a relationship, you need to STFU. This would suggest that I need to just remove myself from social media, but who in this day and age can really do that? Just stop filling my feed with your bullshit that no one cares about, and we'd be good.

My point is that I am able to use my blog to discuss some of these topics in a venue that doesn't obstruct your stalking of everyone else. I am able to recount the details of my boring life, so that you can choose whether or not you want to read it. This, my friends, is the CORRECT way to overshare, if you desire. Facebook is not your personal blog, just fyi. 

So, because you all care about how obsessed I am with Kelly and Michael, this happened and I felt as though my life was complete.
My first celebrity retweet comes from the BEST celebrities

What do you love about blogging?


  1. OMG I'm so excited for your RT. Last year, Anne Curry responded to my tweet about loving her dress that morning on the Today Show and I was on cloud 9 all day. I completely understand.

    So I love this post. Sometimes I think people think i'm really weird for liking blogging so much, but seriously, you summed it up perfectly. Also, it's really hard to put yourself out there in a public forum for people to read! So i give props to everyone who blogs. ALSO, I had coffee with my little this weekend and swear to god, we talked for a good 5 minutes about how much we love your captions. I laugh out loud at every post.

    I know we were already "friends" before blogging but I feel like I'm even MORE excited to see you soon now! Blogging gives people a little bond and I love it and am obsessed with it :) Thanks for being so supportive of my blog as well! <3

  2. Harrison's sunglasses!!!! So it's possible I had no concept of how small babies really are when I gave them to you, but I'm so glad that he is growing in to them. Can't wait to see you soon!

  3. You're basically famous after that RT! Amazing!!

    It really is like Alyssa went through Match.com for friends. It's pretty glorious.

  4. Harrison is seriously working it in that picture! I need you to text it to me so I can put it as my phone background.

    Blogging is the best, I love meeting friends through the internet. Especially since FB is the worst lately. Now I miss that peanut butter cake...yummmm.

  5. I met Alyssa via blogging too. Best decision ever. Now, I just need to devote a certain time during the day to blog so that I'll do it more regularly! Hmm...maybe I should fore go my shower time, too. I bet the people at work would stay away from me. Win!

  6. Ever since Alyssa hit on me in my blog comment section, my life has been so much more wonderful. Blogging is a real gift. :)
