A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Brackets, Walkers, and Thursdays

I did something in life that I never thought I would do- filled out a bracket. I'm sure you all remember my rant about how much I hate March Madness and/or Syracuse, so I cannot tell you what got into me. I think I did it because if I have to put up with posts that are annoying as all hell for the next few weeks, I might as well take part. It's like when you really don't enjoy apple pie, but you have a piece because everyone else is, and you might as well eat some form of dessert rather than have no dessert at all. Your thoughts are correct- I don't like apple pie and I'm not human.
So you mean to tell me that we are aliens... ?
Incase you wanted strategical tips for how to fill out a bracket from someone who knows absolutely nothing about college basketball, here they are:

1. In a matchup between a state school and a non-state school, pick the state school. This is because SUNY Geneseo happens to be the best college on the planet, so state schools are where it's at.
2. Always pick teams that you have some emotional connection to. For example: My aunts and best friend live in Colorado, so pick Colorado always. Or like you are obsessed with the Colts, so Indiana it is.
3. When unsure, pick the team with the better name. This is why I have Gonzaga winning the tournament.
4. Syracuse will lose.

Those are clearly the keys to a winning bracket. You're welcome.

In Harrison-related news, we introduced a fun new toy yesterday:
You call THIS fun?
The sole reason we bought this walker is so that I don't get scoliosis. Pretty much every day, all day, I walk around the tiny apartment holding Harrison's hands so that he can walk, while my back is at a 90 degree angle. When I started researching walkers, there were two different kinds. The kind we purchased with wheels so that the babes can walk themselves around, or a version that looked similar to a harness-leash combo. You place the baby in the harness, and then hold onto these straps so that they can walk supported. It reminded me too much of the cray crays you see walking around the zoo or an amusement park with their child on a leash. Couldn't do it.
Please, no leash! I'll be a good boy I promise!

He hasn't figured out the walking portion of that contraption yet, but he enjoyed the toys for 15 minutes, and anything that will hold his attention for that long, is a winner in my book.

Today is Thursday. I used to love Thursdays like, so much. For one, it would be Thirsty Thursday. Duh. Also, in college, I almost never had class on Fridays, so Thursdays were the beginning of the weekend. This made Thursday my favorite day of the week sometimes. Now, I kinda hate them. You would think, since it is only one day away from it being Friday, I would still feel kinda warm and fuzzy towards them. But now, Friday is in no way the weekend, as it is Tax season and Saturdays are a workday. All I'm saying is that Thursdays are a cock tease to me now and I do not enjoy it. I'd even rather it be Monday because then, at least there are good shows on. 

What is your least favorite day of the week? (Gonna take a guess that yours is Monday, like the rest of the normal population)

Who do you have winning the Tournament?


  1. I have filled out maybe two brackets in my life. I don't think I will fill out another bracket until the University at Buffalo makes the tournament (which might be "never")

  2. I filled out a bracket too purely just to say I did. My method was prettyyy similar lol. Names I like, States I like, if I know anyone in or around those states. It works :)

    Also, I agree with you on Thursday. Such a freaking tease. I used to like it because good shows were on, but not even that gets me through the day anymore. Sigh, #grownupproblems

  3. I used to do brackets for a pool at work, but I made mike fill them out because I didn't care about anything but the possibility of making money.

  4. You picked Indiana? My rival :( I guess they are at least IN the tournament.

    I am in love with Harrison's dinosaur shirt - I wish they made it in my size so we could be twinsies.

    Also - please don't put the kid on a leash...like - ever.

  5. This total creeper who used to come to Charbroil bought Crouton Queen and I brackets one year (like a weekly thing, maybe not brackets, but whatev) and we randomly picked teams that we liked the names and WON like $60. Sadly that method hasn't worked out since.

    I LOVE Thursdays because Wednesday is my night when I work at my second job, so once that's over, things are easy breezy until the weekend and I love them even more now because my Thursday class is over and my team is finally off punishment and I get to send my kids to an extra special again on Thursdays!
