A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The good news: Harrison slept 10 hours straight last night.
Him: I'm such a good baby!! Me: No you're not.  

The bad news: He has been waking up at 5am.
That's what you get for calling me a bad baby.

Let me elaborate on these new sleeping patterns. About a week ago, I decided Harrison was done eating at 2am. Too bad if you are hungry kid, mommy wants the sleep.

Cutting out our last nighttime feeding went pretty smoothly, or so I thought. He didn't put up any fight when I just stuck the pacifier back in his mouth, instead of picking him up to go nurse. Went right back to sleep. Until about 5am, when he woke up pretty fussy, and to my dismay, did not appear to want to go back to sleep.

This 5am wake up call has been the new norm. I physically cannot wake up at 5am to start the day and survive, so I pretty much lay in bed, praying that he will fall back asleep, while snoozing the baby monitor to pretend like he's not making any sound. If you think I am neglecting him, just know that the "Sleep Lady" says that early rising is not good for baby, and to let them stay in their crib until 6am before getting them up.

It seems to go this way with Harrison. We fix one issue, and another one pops up immediately. I am trying to see the silver lining here- that he slept for 10 hours straight, and we are one step closer to a full 12 hour stretch of sleep (yes, 12 hours is my goal, I know I'm crazy). It's just really hard to fix the issue of early rising because so many other factors can contribute to it (nap deprivation, timing of naps, timing of bedtime, etc etc). So needless to say, trying to fix this issue seems daunting, especially when waking up at 5am every day.
Thanks for being such an angel

One way that I am getting through this awful week is food. I mean, duh. But not just any food, the food of kings. My parents have been stuffing me like a Thanksgiving turkey lately and it is awesome. They bought us a dozen Bruegger's bagels, and really that would have been enough to let me die happy. On top of that, they made Mac and Cheese, Chili, mashed potatoes, Chicken Marsala, brownies, and pecan pie.

Name the movie quote- "I'd like partake of your pecan pie". Here's a suggestion: if you cannot name that quote, forget being friends with me any longer.


  1. When Harry Met Sally. Love.

    Happy 7 months Harrison!

    And my kid has also been waking up an hour early this week. Is it ridiculous to hope that daylight savings time will help? And don't feel guilty about snooze buttoning the monitor. Babies need time to learn to entertain themselves : ) I do it too. The sleep lady is tough to follow! We keep trying.

  2. I have nothing to add to this post because I have no idea about getting kids to sleep, but 10 hours seems pretty fantastic to me!

  3. Almost a real LOL to the "if you think I'm neglecting him comment" - anyone who has seen you two for a half a second in person can see how ridiculous that idea is!

    I need to stop talking to you all at family dinners full of delicious food that I wish we were at....we seriously need to move.

    Just realized he is wearing another crab! Love it!

  4. 12 hours is totally reasonable. Faith used to wake up at 5:20am every day....for 6 months. That was fun. Daylight savings time helped with that! Your salvation is here already!

  5. "I'll have what she's having..."

    Okay, now that we got that out of the way. I love that your mom reads my blog. HIL-arious. I have quite the reach, eh?

    Ryan when through a nightmarish phase where he woke up at 5:30 a.m. I am not a morning person. At all. It was hell. I agree with dropping that middle of the night feed. I just hope you can get to some other reasonable time to wake...like 7 (which is still not reasonable, ha!). GL!
