A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pooping in Bathwater

Wow, I suck.

Harrison and I have been taking swim classes this week, and while they are a lot of fun (for me, not so much for him), they have really been messing up my not-a-schedule schedule. Despite the fact that Harrison has started to show the slightest indication of a routine forming, and I didn't want to screw with it, the YMCA was offering free swimming classes, so the Jew that I am could not pass that up.

Free is always better
I was nervous about taking the class for a few reasons. First and foremost, Harrison's new favorite thing is to poop as soon as he gets in the tub. Out of the past week's worth of baths, I'd say he's pooped in 4 of them. Something about that warm water is relaxing to him I guess, and now that I think about it, I would probably poop in the bath if I had no inhibitions too. It kinda sounds wonderful, no?

Last night was one of the worst ordeals I've dealt with thus far into mommyhood. I won't get into specifics, so you should be thanking me for that. However, what you should be really thanking me for is not posting the photo. Yes, I took a photo. It was too outrageous not to. My deranged, loopy mental state at the time thought it was a good idea to have on hand, incase I ever want to really destroy someone's happiness.

Anyway, the water pooping was really frightening me going into taking a swim class. Since gym pools are usually the temperature of bathwater, I had a crippling fear that my child would be the one to poop in the pool, and force everyone to get out while shooting me dirty/pity looks. Stay tuned to hear how we fared...

My second apprehension about class was the timing. The class for wee ones was only offered from 9-930, right smack dab in-between Harrison's first nap. Not to mention it is 25 minutes away. This week has been really fun trying to rearrange Harrison's naps to fit the class in, and failing.

The class only had 4 other babies, all of which were girls, and older than Harrison. As the class went along, I was realizing that all the other babes were laughing, splashing, and appearing to have the time of their lives, while here I was with a child who looked paralyzed because he would float motionless in the water, without showing any sign of emotion.
I don't lie

I literally did not get a smile out of him til the third day. However, it was still cute seeing a bunch of babies sitting on a floating mat, and watching the rest of them have fun.

So many women, how will I choose?

The good news: We made it through the whole week without poop!! My boy is such a gem.

In even more exciting news, I got asked to do an interview for my friend's blog, so as soon as it's posted, I will share the link! This obviously just means I've become a famous blogger.


  1. I am literally cracking up at Harrison's poker face throughout this whole thing. As if that wasn't good enough, throwing a ethnic stereotype in makes any post a winner (but it's not racist if you are that ethnicity, even if it's only by half. Or marriage).

  2. First off, Congrats to Harrison for no poop in the pool! :) The pictures of his face in the pool with all those girls is priceless, I love it!

  3. Ha! I would so poop in the tub. Smart kid!

    Maybe he didn't poop in the pool because he was showing off for the ladies.

  4. I'm loving the blogging love floating around :)

  5. Hilarious pictures. That looks so fun! Also, I was laughing so hard when you said you read the second book in a series hahaha. Add Gone Girl to the list ;)

  6. I laughed out loud at the Jew line. Well done. :)
