A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Because I'm the first and only mommy of my friends, I get really excited for the preggos who will soon join me in mommyhood. I won't mention any names, but there are so many preggos coming into the world and some of them are even friends of mine! Pretty soon, I won't be an outcast of life- I'll have companions!! I even creep on preggos that 1. I've never met, 2. I've met once, 3. are friends of a friend, and pretend that we will be mommy besties fo life.

I'm clearly SUCH an expert on the topic of pregnancy and caring for a young human, so I thought I would put together an informative post for all of the preggos who read this (all 3 of you).

And by informative, I mean whiny. I am basically going to list all of the baby products that society convinces you that you need, like as in, the baby won't make it and/or die from SIDS if you don't get, that end up either never getting used, or getting used a total of 3 times. As a sidenote here to this rant- it really pisses me off that EVERYTHING baby is so marked up and manufacturers are robbing new moms who really don't need the extra stress of spending a million dollars on a unborn child. So when you spend $25 for a stupid half-moon shaped pillow, and an additional $25 on a cover for it, and you use it maybe 10 times, you can thank me in advance for the warning that this would happen.
Almost as unimpressed with all my crap as I am with this hat

Obviously, register for these items, and if someone else buys them for you, it won't be as depressing when you hardly use them:

1. Boppy Pillow & Cover

This thing is a load of crap. You are essentially buying an extremely overpriced pillow and pillowcase, when you could just as easily use a pillow you already own. I used this thing for maybe the two initial weeks of breastfeeding, and maybe 10 times while Harrison was learning to sit up.
But I need the pillow to support me while I look at boobies

I'm sure other mothers get way more use out of it, but I was subjected to the first world pain of using regular pillows in the hospital while Harrison was learning to nurse, so when I got home, that was already what I was used to. Here we are today, so I guess we survived.

2. The Swing of all Swings

This might just be because Harrison is the fussiest of all the babies, and didn't like his super intense, thousand dollar swing, so I have a little bit of a bias. We were told we ABSOLUTELY NEED TO GET THAT SWING and it was hardly used.

Here is what I gather about the topic of swings: some babies like them, some don't, but just because you get the top-of-the-line baby swing, doesn't mean the baby will love it. Get a swing, but don't worry if you don't get the Mercedes Benz of swings. I've just said swing so many times it is starting to sound like a different language... swing.

3. A Million bajillion toys

What my experience tells me is that my child prefers non-toys over toys. For example, baby food jars, tissue boxes, any and all electronics. At one point, I was actually getting concerned that we didn't have enough toys. HA! Joke's on me.
See what's in his hand? That's a cabinet latch for baby proofing... and yes, he's chillin in the laundry basket. Normal.

Now I feel like we have so many, and he plays with them about 10% of the time. Obviously, get the kid some toys, but you definitely do not need 100 versions of a squeaking, colorful, crinkly thingy.

4. Baby Nail Clippers.

Baby nail clippers are EXACTLY the same as adult nail clippers, except blue. Or pink, I presume. Mine are blue. All I know is that they are still very capable of clipping skin and causing gushing blood for hours.

And while I am at it, I will briefly profess my love for a few other baby items:

1. Hooter Hider.

Yes, there is a product with that name. Pretty self explanatory as to what that is.
hehe Hooter Hider. I get it. 

2. Bumbo Seat.

Screw the recall, these things are amazing. It's basically like baby shackles! haha ok not really, I just watched Game of Thrones last night, but you can plop the baby in the seat, stick it pretty much anywhere, and the baby just stays there! Revolutionary.
However not so great when I no longer have an excuse not to cook dinner

3. Diaper Genie.

I forget who, but one mommy told me not to get one of these- that they are useless, and I am so glad I didn't listen. Seriously, I do not know how else you dispose of diapers. In regular trash bags? I can't.

4. Ducky Tub

Just for the cuteness factor alone. Thanks to Kara for the suggestion on that one.
I will eat you ducky!

I love to pretend like I have all this wisdom when it comes to being a parent, when actually I really don't, but just humor me here.

Mommies, what is your favorite or least favorite baby item?


  1. First, LOVE this post because I have been wondering how much of this baby crap I absolutely need and how much is...well crap.

    1. I have been given two boppies (free), one gently used and one brand new. So if they work, sweet, if not, I'm not crying. I'm just glad you mentioned you didn't have it at the hospital because that will remind me to pack it lol.
    2. That swing is the EXACT swing we picked out before Joe's mom got us a bassinet that rolls around and rocks back and forth. She bought it off of craigslist and I like the idea of it rolling from room to room, and since swings will pretty much hold the baby for the same amount of time as a bassinet, we decided not to register for a swing.

    3. We totes registered for le diaper genie. Joe INSISTED.

    4. We registered for like 3 toys and my mom already got us tiny nail clippers...but I imagine baby will just play with the dogs tails or other non baby items haha.

    5. Did you get a baby carrier? What are your thoughts if so?

    6. I did my first video on ExpoTv. It is embarrassing and awful, but I plan to do more and get money haha.

    7. I like your wisdom and appreciate it greatly. Please give me more hints and tips haha.

  2. 1. I am still fuming that I spent $$ on a cute crib set and all I've used is the fitted sheet. To add insult to injury, I bought the breathable bumper instead of using my cute one because SIDS still terrifies me.
    2. The other major thing I wish I had known was to rent a pump from the hospital until you know what your pumping needs are. I bought a small one sided one and was pumping all the time and it would take me a half an hour! Ugh. I finally caved (I waited 4 months!!) and bought the Mercedes of pumps and now it takes 10 minutes. I want a refund for that first pump...and all those minutes of my life back.
    3. Also, I wish I had known about the Ubbi diaper pail that uses regular garbage bags. While I love the diaper genie, I hate the stupid refill bags.
    4. We have used our pack and play for a few diaper changes and a handful of naps. She preferred the rock and play (or the swing...she was a lover) to sleep in.
    5. We have used her play mat multiple times daily. I switch out the toys using the baby hoop link things. She loves the lights and sounds and has rolled, sat, and now stands mesmerized.
    6. I LOVE halo swaddle sacks and then later on the sleep sacks. They made swaddling SO easy.
    7. I skipped the bumbo and got a "safety first comfy cushy baby seat". It's like a bumbo, but has all kinds of straps so you can strap it to a chair if you need a high chair and seemed like maybe I could use it for longer...we'll see. Also, I was worried my kids thighs would be too chunky for the bumbo.
    8. For carriers, I got a Moby and a Britax. I used the Moby a handful of times, and while it's probably more comfortable, I could never get it to wrap/lay right so that I wasn't embarrassed to be seen out in public with it. We use the Britax a lot. It's great for grocery shopping!

    I could probably go on, but I'll spare you! Good luck to all of your friends!

  3. I could've written this! I'm eagerly awaiting my first friend to get pregnant, and will probably be more excited than they are. I definitely couldn't live without my pump, SwaddleMes, diaper genie, playmat and jumper. The rest - swing, bouncer, pack n play, wipes warmer, carrier, rocker- were all luxuries that I used a couple times but probably wouldn't have made much of a difference either way.

    Oh and paci's. You can never have too many paci's.

  4. What I'm getting from this post is that it's all a crapshoot because babies all like different things, and incoming texts asking me if I'm prego. But there's cute pics of Harrison, so it's all good.

  5. The best part of all of this is that your second baby will like whatever because you're too busy to care if they prefer the exersaucer to the jumperoo. JUST BE QUIET FOR A MINUTE is all you care about :)

  6. HAHAHA baby shackles. You're killing me.

  7. The boppy is bullshit. And (sorry) so is the diaper genie. Get a summer infant diaper pail and you can use regular garbage bags in there. The febreeze scented garbage bags mask most poop. Except morning poop. Those go straight out to the garage.

    That fancy swing sucks ass. My kids loved the cheap Graco swing which breaks 5739285 times in the first year. But the love it. So I cart it back down to TRU for a replacement every. freaking. time.

    I hate my bumbo except for taking pictures. Just got a rock n' play for the first time ever with baby #3 and lurve it. And I love my baby fingernail clippers (mine are green, btw) because they are smaller than my big person clippers so I am not taking off chunks of finger with their nails.

    Things that I could not live without? Hmmm....

    Pack and play with a bassinet. Used it in my room as the baby bed for the first 7 weeks of R&R's life and the first four months of Lola's life. Way better than one of those stupid cosleeper things because you actually can use it as a travel crib afterward. But no bells and whistles. Just a PNP with bassinet. The rest of it is wasted money.

    Dr. Brown's bottles. God's gift to reflux babies.

    Castile Soap. The only thing that cleans breastmilk out of bottle parts.

    Playmats. We have two I love them so much. One is that kick and play piano and the other is the rainforest. Best $125 on two items I have ever spent. Truth.

  8. hahaha I'm agreeing with Rach on the baby shackles comment. Just giggled at my desk.
