A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why Harrison is SOL

Harrison has woken up at 5:30am the past two mornings and it's really killing me. Yesterday morning, I might have dozed off while "watching" him play, and he fell and bumped his head because I was being totally irresponsible (or a victim of the lack of sleep... whichever you'd like to believe). I felt really horrible and told him I was sorry about 100 times.
However this is how he dozed off in the car, so who really was the tired one? That cannot be comfortable...

This morning when I got the 5:30am wake up call once again, I stormed into his room all furious. However, a little voice popped into my head and told me not to be mad at him. It isn't really his fault. He doesn't want to wake up that early any more than I don't want him to. My little voice just told me that we will work on it and being mad at him is a lost cause. People, my patience with him is improving. Especially at 5:30am when no human should have patience.

So, I can have patience with him at 5:30am, but in the grand scheme of things, I have lost it. The kid's damn routine. Lack of routine, actually. Why Harrison, why? You are almost 9 months old, wake up at a different time every single morning, take naps at different times (that is, if I can even force you to take one), don't ever take the same number of naps, eat at different times, etc etc... You realize this means I cannot have a life, which is probably fine with you.

However, Harrison is SOL soon because Alumni Weekend is around the corner, and he'll be spending an entire day with my parents. He has gotten a lot better with them, which I hope means that the separation anxiety phase is ending (but probably not).
Why do you insist on leaving me with strange people?

I also managed to get him to drink 3oz. of milk from a regular human cup, which is a huge victory. I envisioned him waking up the morning of his stay at the grandparents', and screaming for milk, which he would not drink from a sippy, and them calling me, at which point I may or may not still be drunk, and having to find a way to make it back the 45 min to their house. Also, you all realize this means I may or may not be feeding him breastmilk laced with alcohol.

Jokes, everyone. He has three options: drink his milk from a cup, stuff his face with solid food, or go hungry until I get my ass over there. Either way, he will be fine. I am telling myself this now so that I actually believe it in 10 days when the time comes.

I will not be fine
I feel like my sister who obsessively waits for the 10 day forecast to come out for her races, because I have been counting down the days until the 10 day forecast is released for next Saturday. Today is that day. Not that I ever believe the weather 10 days out, but they are calling for a high of 63 degrees. Not great, but not bad either.

I hope you are all prepared for me to discuss nothing but Alumni Weekend for the next week and a half.

May is around the corner, what are you excited for?


  1. May- fave month! Warm enough to take the laptop out onto the deck and work in the sun. Have a great time at your Alumni Weekend-- you deserve it. H will probably grow a lot while you're gone and be a big boy by the time you come back, but of course leaving your mom and Vince with many more grey hairs. Ha!

  2. OMG now that my life is over because I have no cruise alumni weekend is IT for me and I have been thinking about it nonstop I CANNOT WAIT. I'm impressed I haven't even checked the forecast yet! Why is Harrison with his bear and crying SO CUTE?

  3. ALUMNI WEEKEND. Ugh, I still dont know if I'm going. All my Spring 08s are bailing on me and I dont want to be the loser old one that has nowhere to sleep/go! But...I like really want to go! haha. Hm, ugh I cant decide but Ive been so excited for it toooo

  4. LOL Nicole I don't know you but I'll be there representing the class of '05 so you are still nice and young in comparison!

  5. I'm excited for Mike's surgery to heal so he can breath normally again and I don't have to be a nurse!
