A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What's more exciting than a new layout?

Welcome to my new blog! Quite frankly, I think it looks pretty spectacular. You are not allowed to have a different opinion. hah but seriously, it took me all of yesterday morning to perfect it. I was practicially hypnotized by my own blog, because I physically could not do anything until it was complete. You may not think it looks pretty enough to warrant 3 hours of my time, but yes, that is how long it took me. So I hope you all appreciate it. Especially since I had a different template design settled on within 2 minutes, but my sister informed me that many of my readers would refuse to read centered text, and since the text was locked for that template, it was bye bye to that. You're welcome.

I feel like I have a lot of useless information to update you on. Sheila's fish recipe was a big hit, and she has plenty more where that came from, so I suggest you go look at them. And while I'm in my shoutout section here, I have to thank Rachael for saving my blog's life. She was the genius who suggested how to fix the design of it.

Fakesgiving was splendid. Harrison was a cranky boy as per usual, wouldn't nap as per usual, and had to be held in rotation while we ate dinner as per usual, but we're all used to it now so we still had a great time!

Starting his modeling career early
I would have to say there were dual highlights. First, and most obvious, was my mom's cooking. I wolfed that shit down like I was on Survivor and hadn't had a real meal in 30 days. Second, was Marc getting drunk off of red wine, and claiming that it was like Alyssa and Eric's wedding all over again. Many of you will not be able to appreciate this for how great it is, but when Marc gets that drunk, it is easily the most entertaining thing anyone can experience.

We found a recipe for a Christmas cocktail. I'm not excited or anything

Today is Dave and my 2 year anniversary. Harrison decided to give us the greatest gift of all, and slept through the night last night. Granted, he went to bed around 8:30, and I woke him up for a little late-night snack around 10:30, but he didn't wake himself up til 6. I call that a victory. Not sure if that technically qualifies as "sleeping through the night" since I did feed him once in the span that he was asleep, but in my mind, it does.
This is how he fell asleep last night- sitting up. 

Other than that, our anniversary night tonight will include the riveting activities of Dave studying for his CPA exam, and me watching the results show of Dancing With the Stars. I am dying of anticipation for such excitement.


  1. The new layout is AMAZING. I love it.

    Also, now that Alyssa has told me about your skills at straightening and styling curly hair, I can't help but notice how awesome your hair looks in that picture. I am jealous of your skills.

    Happy Anniversary!

    1. haha I JUST commented on your blog saying that I am no where near as good at straightening as my sister claims I am. But thank you!

  2. You really are amazing at straightening hair. I sent her pics of Katylin's wedding to prove it and let's not forget how gorgeous Nicole's hair looked at our wedding. Speaking of, my number one goal in life now is to get Marc to recreate his tapdance at Christmas. I trust that you are on board. Happy Anniversary! Can't believe it's been two years and that Harrison even knew he had to get you a present. I thought I was impressed that time he texted me. He is SO ADVANCED.

  3. ohh hey new layout! Thanks for the shout-out. Also, I need a Christmas cocktail. Or four.
