A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Big Boy Food

What I'm about to share is a true story. The other day, I was sitting alone with nothing but my thoughts, and I thought to myself, "I just remembered I have a blog". I don't know what came over my deranged mind, but for a short period there, I subconsciously suppressed my own blog. And that's the story of why I haven't blogged.

Normally I feel like I have nothing going on in my life to share, but since it's been a while, a lot has happened! Harrison had his 4 month check up with the pediatrician and all is well. Plus, a few of my neurotic anxieties were calmed, like:

-his head is not misshapen as a result of my terrible parenting and always laying him flat on his back
-he does not have shaken baby syndrome. And before you jump to conclusions- sometimes I have to rock him very violently to get him to sleep. I made the mistake of reading "What to Expect the 1st Year" which informed me that even small movements that you wouldn't think would harm the baby, can actually shake his brain around inside of his skull. So ever since then, I have to choose between rocking him the only way that will put him to sleep and fear ricocheting his brain around, or let him scream and thrash in my arms.
-he's actually a pretty normal baby and not the spawn of the devil. Apparently all babies have peculiar behaviors.

We also had the joy of starting solid foods! That phrase kind of sounds sarcastic, but it is not at all (not yet anyway). I always knew Harrison would be a chow hound, simply because of the enthusiastic way in which he nurses (enthusiastic is a polite way of saying it hurts like hell for me because he goes AT IT).  It took him only two meals of the rice cereal for his fat kid self to show its true colors. He went to town. It was pretty funny for Dave and I to watch, because he was literally lunging towards to spoon to get more. He finished the whole bowl, and probably could have gone for seconds. As my sister said, there was never any doubt that as a member of our family, he would love food.

What's all over my face?
You suck at this, I can do it better.

Last weekend was a Chrismakkah extravaganza. Dave's family came out for both Hannukah (no, they're not Jewish. Something about wanting to celebrate the roots of Christianity), and an early Christmas for Uncle Jamie, who will be in Colorado over the holiday. I'm not one to brag... wait, yes I am.. so let me say how perfect our tree is. I pretty much picked the most beautiful conifer known to man.

I also made out with a lot of great gifts! My favorite might be the huge box of diapers. No lie.

Tonight, we are going to a Christmas Dinner hosted by one of my bffs from Geneseo. I am excited because this dinner falls during Harrison's witching hour, so my parents graciously offered to babysit and save me from the wrath. Despite this, my parents are excited to feed Harrison his big boy food and bathe him. Can you think of anything more exciting?


  1. Omg this post KILLS me. I'm cracking up.

    I'm glad Harrison is normal and not the child of Satan. I also wish there was video of him trying solids. That is hilarious.

  2. I love that the wooden Santa has come to live with you. Your tree looks amazing! I love it!

    Now you understand why I am scared to burp him too hard.

  3. +1 for the use of "conifer" in a blog post.

    I love that you already know that naked babies are the easiest to clean up after feeding. Just wait until he tries pureed meat for the first time. My kid went freaking nuts for that and would eat at least a jar a day of the most foul cat food looking stuff ever.

  4. http://www.brockportny.org/pdf/building/Tenants_Rights.pdf
