A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

an A+ in Sleeping 101

I realize that the last time I blogged was Friday, shortly before the news surfaced about the tragedy in Newtown. I'm not one to drone on about political/social issues, but I do just want to say that it definitely put things into perspective for me. My last post was full of complaints, about petty things, but after hearing about the devastation that occurred, not only to the families of the victims, but to the entire community, I realized that I have a lot to be thankful for. Especially my little angel, Harrison.

Before I completely contradict myself with a bout of complaints, I have a progress update for you. The past few days have been really challenging with the little one. Yesterday, I pretty much cried as much as he did, with the exception of when my stepfather brought me Starbucks, and my mom's Bacon Blue Cheese Mac and Cheese and that thoroughly cheered me up. I've basically boiled all of his behavioral issues down to his lack of sleep. So, over the past few difficult days, I decided it was time to put my foot down and get the kid to learn to sleep without 30+ minutes of violent, brain-shaking rocking.

I never thought I would be one to let him "cry it out" just because, as I've mentioned, the sound of his crying pulls at my heart strings and often makes me cry along with him. It's a painful scene. However, it was time. Kid needs to learn. Plus, with Christmas coming up, I didn't want the precious time with my family interrupted by 30 minutes or more of nap-coaxing each time he gets tired.

If you think I look like death, you are absolutely right.
We started three days ago. It was all spurred by a night that he woke up from a pretty deep sleep, with the tantrum of all tantrums. Since nothing we were doing would help him stop crying, Dave suggested (thank god) that we just let him cry in his crib, where at least it wouldn't be making us go deaf. After 5 minutes, I went in to check on him, gave him back his pacifier that he spit out in anger and misery, and he was out like a lightbulb.

I had tried this method before, and it did NOT work, so now I figure that maybe he just wasn't ready. After three days of letting him cry in his crib for a few minutes, and finally put himself to sleep, I am crossing my fingers, praying to the lord above, knocking on wood, etc etc.. that he has finally learned this sacred skill. The nap he is currently taken begun with absolutely no fighting it or crying!

I'm sure you all care so much about my growing insanity due to Harrison's sleep issues. In short, I didn't want to complain about the ways Harrison challenges me, I just wanted to congratulate him for winning the "Most Improved Baby" award.

The only thing cuter than a sleeping baby, is a sleeping baby with wrist rolls.  
The world might end tomorrow, and today being only 5 days until Christmas, I might as well list everything I'm excited for incase it's tragically taken away from me by aliens and/or a meteor.

1. Family. Obviously, this is an exciting part of the holidays, but this Christmas has some extra exciting elements. For one, my bro in law still has not met Harrison. FaceTime does not count, so Harrison will finally be meeting the kewlest black member of the family, Dom. Another first-time meeting for Harrison is my Aunt Leslie! She is coming all the way from Colorado to join us for Christmas, which is amazing for one, because she's Jewish, and two, we haven't seen her in a few years. I am jumping for joy. And as if I even have to say it, I get to hang out and drink wine with my sister for 5 days straight, so pretty much nothing can be better in the world (assuming it doesn't end, of course).

2. Food. I have a recent obsession with cornbread, and make boxes of it only to eat the entire pan myself. The last pan I made was consumed in it's entirely over two days. Sorry I'm not sorry. The point is that I will have other delicious foods to choose from soon and this is much needed. Sustaining one's self on cornbread and cornbread alone is not advised. A sampling of our Christmas menu includes: bacon blue cheese Mac and Cheese (which I got to sample last night and is AMAZING), beer bread as per my request after reading my sister's blog, and crack brownies (use your imagination).

3. Resuming my role as the Christmas Nazi. I was given this title after repeated years of taking full control over many elements of our Christmas celebrations. I am the designated gift passer outter, simply because everyone else was too slow at picking out gifts to open, and I wanna open that shit asap. I also do not let anyone else touch, decorate, contribute to, arrange gifts, and basically do anything other than look at the tree. This is my job and I do not want your help. It will only get in my way.

I am, for once, done with Christmas shopping and wrapping before the very last minute. Are you done with Christmas preparations?


  1. I did the same exact sleep training with Faith when she turned 6 months old. It's so nice to just put her in her bed now, totally awake and tell her "You know what to do" and walk out. No rocking, no endless stories, nothing. :)

  2. I always sort of thought cry it out sounded good, although I refuse to ever say anything about what I'll do as a parent since I have no idea what that's like. But I do employ cry it out multiple times each school day and it seems to work there, so at least I know I'm good at it.

    Eric will be really excited to be voted coolest black member of the family. He's been working on getting the "blackest" paper plate award since 2006, which is the holy grail, but this is at least something.

    Sustaining myself on cornbread actually sounds like a great plan to me. I gave my friend a loaf of beer bread last night and he gchatted me an hour later saying half the loaf was gone. And that wasn't even bacon cheddar beer bread.

  3. Way to go with sleep training Harrison!!
