A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Plans, Plans, and more Plans

I used to be such a social butterfly. Now, when I have plans two out of seven days, I am ecstatic. Tomorrow, I am having my first "playdate" with another mommy and her daughter, of like, nearly equal age to both myself and my child. WHAT? My spawn is 10 months old and I haven't met another like me yet? Yes, sad, I know.

Please find us some friends, please. (sidenote: that HAIR!! FINALLY)
We are going to the beach which should be interesting because neither baby likes the grass, and we recently discovered that if Harrison hates anything more than the grass, it's the sand. Fun times ahead for sure. But really, I am looking forward to discussing mommy things that the rest of my friends don't care about, and watch the two wee ones interact, and possibly taking a few hundred pictures of it. I mean, I have to document it for the blog right?

Tomorrow night, I am returning to my favorite place on earth. Ok, more like one of 3, those being: Geneseo, Disney World, and Selena's Mexican Restaurant. One of my gfs just got engaged, so not only am I happy that this means there is yet another person like me whom I can exchange with, but it obviously called for a girls night, and a girls night obviously calls for margs. Done and done.
Milk laced with Mexican food is the last thing I need. Do you see these boobs?

So for a girl that never has any plans, going from zero in a day to two in one day is amazing. Assuming Harrison behaves like I think he will on our playdate- devilish, then it's actually perfect that I planned to go out and drown my grievances with some tequila. In his defense, he is getting at least three, maybe four teeth in AT ONCE, so there's nothing anyone can do. It takes all my strength to not scream at him for his constant whining, because I know he's just uncomfortable. Babies have it so hard.

I need to play and walk and it's not easy


  1. If he hates sand (or tries to eat it), just use a ground cover. I do that for the grass and sand here because my baby is prissy about stuff like that. She likes to be able to pull at the grass, but won't tolerate it touching her. So many strong opinions.

  2. Ok, I'm calling BS because I don't believe you remember Disney World well enough to have it truly be your favorite. We need to go to Salena's for real. I just don't know when because we already have like 19 meals planned for my 4 day visit. Feel free to text adorable pics of Harrison in the sand all day long.
