A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's too hot for this

I've been getting harassed at my absence from the blog. But I am a busy lady. Not having a job keeps me occupied 99% of the time. Really though, I have been a little bit busier as of lately, and I will list to you the reasons why and how it prevents me from blogging:

1. We are moving and I am responsible for ALL of the packing.

This is really fun for me, because if there's anything I hate more than packing/moving, it's nothing. There is nothing more miserable. When we moved into this apartment, there were only two humans that needed to be packed for. Now, there are three. More like two and a half, actually, but that little half-sie has more shit than either one of the full humans. He also refuses to let me pack in peace, and instead considers the activity a game, in which he starts pulling all out of the items I put in the box. Impossible.
Babies just wanna have fun
Luckily, his room is done, and I have our bedroom mostly done. I have approximately two weeks left to finish the rest of the apartment and then it's go time.

I'm really excited about our move because we are transitioning from tiny, run-down, everything-is-broken apartment, to a full, beautiful house. Not our house, we are renting it, but still. I am excited to actually have a yard to play in (with swingset included!), to have our own washer and dryer (hallelujah), to have a working oven/dish disposal/kitchen in general, to have more space, etc etc the list goes on. I'll let you know how I'm faring when I actually have to clean this whole house though.

2. Harrison has been sick for over a week and counting.

He got sick last Monday. It was just a little cold, and I think related to the four teeth he's getting in, but if you can imagine a small child with snot running down his nose at ALL times, then you can probably imagine the scenario where I get sick too. Which is exactly what happened. Luckily, I think I only caught the mild version of whatever he had, so no worries, I was still able to go out Friday night to the Zoo Brew and go drink with all the animals.
Not amused.

3. It is too damn hot.

We don't have AC in our apartment (add that to the list of reasons why I'm excited for the new house), so 99% of my waking hours, it is too hot to sit with a laptop blowing hot air onto my lap in order to blog.
Do you see the horrible things that the humidity is doing to my hair?

4. I'm lazy.

Enough said.

5. Wedding planning takes up all of my free time, which you knew.

Be advised that we have a date and venue finally! It is the greatest relief of my life. I texted all of my friends as soon as I finalized it to have them share in my excitement with me. One of them even responded with this:

To which I delighted in knowing that the biggest day of my life is as important to others as it is to me.

T minus 6 days until wedding dress shopping. Basically, this blog has become a public countdown for me to brag about going to try on beautiful dresses. Yahoo!! Stay tuned in 6-7 days for the reveal of whether or not I found one.


  1. Ugh, you're sick and packing in this heat! I do not envy you! I hope everything goes smoothly, though. You guys seriously need to get out of that apartment!

  2. New house! With AC! Sounds great, congrats. Sounds like you will get to enjoy most of the summer in comfort.

    As for dress shopping, I expect a pic of you in each one you try on--even if it's awful!

  3. OMGGG so many good things in this post (besides little bubs being sick)!!

    First, please post pics of the new place! I'm so excited for you guys to be in a house! with a yard (we don't even really have the luxury because our yard just has rocks in it at the moment). What are the deets of the house (# of bedrooms/bathrooms, etc....I care about these things now mostly because I remember looking at houses and I kinda miss it now that we have one haha).

    Second...can I know the date of the wedding? So we can plan accordingly?

    Third, I don't understand how people can live without ac...I mean, I know NY doesn't reach the 115 degree temps that Az does, but it is humid there...and humidity is still terrible.

    Anyways, enjoy wedding planning! I can't wait until I can plan my own!

  4. So you're getting married in October? Fall weddings are nice!

    You're going to love having a yard for Harrison. You'd be amazed how easy it is to tire them out with a little open space.

  5. 1. I didn't bug you about blogging this time.

    2. I don't know who Sandra Jennings is, but my new life goal is to be as organized as her and have my calendar straight more than a year in advance.

    3. Pretty sure drinking with animals is your perfect vision of heaven. Pray to The Lord to get there.
