A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Monday, February 24, 2014

My sister is smarter than your sister

This post comes to you from the inspiration given to me by my genius sister.

Reason #1 why she is a genius: I was texting with her the other night, and the topic of my workouts came up. I told her that I didn't do a work out that day because I've been having pain in my left knee, and wanted to give it a break. She had me describe to her where it hurt, and the type of pain I was experiencing, and immediately delivered a genius treatment plan: ice it.

Why I couldn't think of that on my own, I have no clue, I'm just glad I have access to her endless wisdom. I'm not sure if I hurt my knee during an actual work out, or if its the stairs I run 50-75 times a night (no exaggeration) at work. The impact on my knee while walking/running up and down stairs is when the pain spikes up quite a bit, so I'm gonna go with that one. Either way, it has made both working out, and performing the essential tasks of daily life, like picking up Harrison, less fun. In any case, I can handle a sharp pain here and there, it's not like my knee is preventing me from mobility. I'm just an expert whiner.

Actually that's my title
Reason #2 why she is a genius: I was also texting with her about my new dietary restrictions that I've placed on myself. She came up with a genius plan for how I can stick to them, until the wedding, anyway.

First, I'll explain what they are. The first, and most important limitation to my diet is no chips. I never used to be a chip person, until some little creature named Harrison started growing in my body and took over my brain. I got hooked on chips during my pregnancy, but the chip consumption became more like an addiction while I was nursing. As you all know, I was unable to put down my son for 90% of my waking hours, so in my extreme hunger levels, I would turn to chips as an easy, one-handed food item. I find chips so good because they are SO SALTY. I swear my brain now fiends for salt similar to how a crack addict would fiend for crack. The chip-ban is not just for purposes of healthy eating and hopeful weight loss, it is me putting myself into rehab for salt.

So far, I feel pretty strongly about this chip ban. It's only been a week, but I have a lot of confidence in myself that I can make this last until the wedding. Mostly because I'm not completely taking salt out of my diet, so I still can indulge in a salty snack when necessary. Like light popcorn, or something.

It's the second food limitation that I'm gonna struggle with, and where my sister's plan came into play. It's dessert. Gets me every time. My sweet tooth is not my friend. So knowing my sister has cut sweets out of her diet from time to time, I asked her how it's even humanly possible. Her response, if you couldn't guess- genius. She instructed me to make my dessert-ban public, and that way I'll feel pressured into sticking with it.

This one also, clearly, has a sweet tooth
I'm not trying to not eat a sweet for four whole months, because that is 1. a highly unrealistic goal for me and 2. majorly effing depressing. However, I am going to try to cut my dessert intake to one a week. Please blog friends, hold me to that. Again, although this one intimidates me a lot more than the chip-ban, I hope I can achieve my goal since I still will have sugar in other forms. For example, coffee creamer, hard cider, cereal, etc etc... I know these are not revolutionary diet tricks, and I might not even lose any weight from it, but it's just a way for me to try to cut back on certain high-calorie items that I am known to overindulge on.

What is your food weakness?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Gifts from my Loved Ones on Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! I'm usually not one to brag, and I try to keep myself away from social media on days like today, because the people that are bragging really annoy me, but this is a much more confined outlet to brag on than Facebook, so I'm gonna go for it.

Dave completely surprised me with an early Valentines Day celebration last night! I'm working all weekend, and he has to stay very late at work during the week due to tax season, so I figured that Valentines Day was out this year. However, he came home earlier than I expected last night so that we could actually celebrate. He was equipped with a bouquet of flowers, a card, a bottle of champagne, and even went to the extent to wrap the present he had gotten me. I then felt like a horrible person and complete failure, because all I had gotten him was a card, and had the fanciest of all dinners planned: grilled chicken breast salads. Whoops.

The present was a Patagonia jacket, and it was a complete surprise! I think I had mentioned in passing, like once, that I had always wanted a Patagonia, but it was more just me throwing it out there whimsically, with no intent of it being a hint for him to get me one. But, I'm lucky and it worked!

Harrison's gift to me today was being the crankiest, whiniest person of all the land. So then I drugged him, because he's getting a molar in and I attributed his horrible attitude to that. His other gift to me is the gift of needing Speech Therapy. Yes, all of my whining over the past six months has been justified, and his pediatrician on Monday confirmed that his speech is delayed. I think everyone thinks I will be a mess over this news, and is really worried for me. While I appreciate the concern, I'm actually relieved by the news because this means we can start working with him, and hopefully see results soon! I can tell he's getting really frustrated at times without words, which in turn makes me frustrated. I also get really frustrated seeing other kids his age being able to full-on communicate with their parents, and master words like "apple" and "brother", while Harrison can't even manage a "dada" half the time, and better yet, "mama" is nonexistent. The evaluator comes on Tuesday, and I'm sure I'll have some riveting updates to share about his sessions.

Tonight I will be going to work, to one of the most horrid days a server can possibly endure. Sorry if any of you reading this plan to go out to dinner with your loved ones tonight. Please, by all means, enjoy your dinner and don't listen to a word I just said!

Do you have any plans for Valentines Day?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Exercise Diaries

The last time I blogged, I introduced you all to Operation Jillian Michaels is trying to Kill Me. Well, so far, no deaths have occurred, so I'd say it's going well! I realize this is not a fitness blog, by any means, but I am slightly proud of my persistence with an actual exercise plan, so I'll discuss.

As a little background, my previous fitness routine included working out maybe once every two months. Maybe. So, bear that in mind. Week 1 I ended up working out four times. Four out of Seven is pretty good considering I was coming from Zero out of 60+. The way 30 Day Shred is designed, there are three levels, and you start with Level 1 and work your way up to Levels 2 and 3, supposedly after 10 days of each. Well, I got extremely bored with Level 1 quick, and like a fool, thought Level 2 wouldn't be that much harder, so I skipped ahead. Bad choice. Now I'm stuck on Level 2, getting bored with it, attempted Level 3 once and now I feel like I will never voluntarily put myself through that hell again. So week 2, I was alternating between Level 2 of 30 Day Shred, and a couple of Jillian's other workouts, in order to avoid Level 3. Weeks 2 and 3, I increased the frequency of days from four to five, and have tried to keep myself working out five times a week since. Let's be real, I am NOT one to work out seven days a week, just no.
Watching you work out is exhausting

I can definitely notice an improvement in my strength. However, with national holidays like the Super Bowl interfering with me not eating all the things, I have not lost any weight. I'm not really freaking out about that part, because I have plenty of time to do so, and I really do believe my fat is like transforming itself into muscle. Please, if you disagree, do not crush my hopes.
I laugh at your expense

Yesterday, I took a Power Vinyasa yoga class with my friend Anna and fell IN LOVE. I used to be a Bikram yoga supporter, which if you are unaware, is done in a 100+ degree room. Yesterday's class was only at 85-90 degrees, and it felt like the perfect temperature. I was still hot, and sweating profusely, but it wasn't a heat that made me see stars and think I would pass out at any given moment. If the price tag for these classes wasn't so high, or the fact that the closest studio is 40 minutes away, I'd be hooked.

Harrison-wise, I am completely ready for his 18-month well visit (which is in four days) for the doctor to confirm my beliefs that he needs to be evaluated by a Speech Therapist. I am surprisingly calm about this topic though, because besides his speech delay, he's a little smarty pants. I know I claim this all the time, and you are probably thinking "how can the kid be smart? He hasn't even figured out how to talk", and that is a valid point. But, he has shown his incredible intelligence in many ways. For instance, the time he knew breastmilk straight from the source is better, so he just rejected a bottle for the rest of his days.
My evil plan worked!

If you workout on a regular basis, what is your regimen like? I need suggestions- clearly, I get bored quick. Also, I hate running, so that's out.