A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Wedding Priorities

Since I'm always claiming that I never have time to blog because of my obsession with Pinterest-ing wedding ideas, I thought I'd do a post on some recent wedding planning progress (Katie take note and please post!) PS- no one has instilled the fear in me that I am behind on my wedding planning more so than Katie.

I've never been one to care about wedding flowers as a top priority. Sure, I'd like the flowers to look nice and I also have a strict no-roses policy, because everyone, and I mean everyone, uses roses in their wedding and I will not be a member of the status quo. Other than that, I really am not too keen on the floral aspect of the event. Sidenote: while I'm discussing my priorities for the nuptials, they include: open bar, and dancing. Done and done. 
Not me? Thanks.

So in a roundabout way, I am trying to say that I haven't been excited about the flowers until now. That's because Wegmans is doing them. I'm pretty much excited about all things Wegmans, for example: Wegmans subs, Wegmans desserts, Wegmans yogurt, Wegmans salad bar, etc etc. WEGMANS IS MY LIFE. I'd have my entire wedding planned and executed by Wegmans if I could. Better yet, I would have it IN a Wegmans.
WEGMANS!! (please excuse the Christmas pjs... it's laundry day)
I'll end my proclamation of love for Wegmans to proclaim my love for a different place: the IB. Geneseo alum need no explanation, but for those of you that had the misfortune of not attending Geneseo, picture the IB as the most magical, perfect bar. The one where you know everyone, including the bouncers who let you in for over even when they know you are not. The one where beers are $.50, but when you are in the mood to take a round of shots (liquid cocaine) with every single one of your friends, those are only $3. The one where every song that is played is the best song. The one where on your last night of college ever, everyone is there, crying, dancing, hugging, and you think life will never be the same without that bar, yet every alumni weekend when you return it's like you never left. Yup, no exaggeration at all, that is the IB. 
This is my impression of mommy after a night at the IB. NAILED IT. 

How does this relate to wedding planning? Because the other night, Dave and I got to the task of brainstorming songs for the wedding playlist (remember dancing is a TOP priority so this was extremely important). Our main verification if a song was accepted on the playlist was whether or not that song was an IB staple. Wedding guests should be prepared ahead of time that our main purpose for this wedding is to recreate a night in the IB. My son has already got the dancing down. Please watch:
This turned out more like a GIF than the actual video, but I'm not mad about it


  1. People have actually gotten married in Wegmans. I'm pretty sure I saw part of one such wedding one night.

  2. Is it too late to have your wedding IN the IB?

  3. My only priorities for our wedding was open bar and an awesome band. That's how I was able to plan it in two months. Also, flowers don't really matter. We had wooden tulips for bouquets (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DdfLNwXlRT4/TP_tLewF3cI/AAAAAAAAATk/lDDQ8zv_UYg/s320/5.jpg) and that was it and it was the best wedding ever (and I'm not just saying that because it was mine).

    Harrison really does have some moves.

  4. Harrison's the bomb. I'm looking forward to dancing with him!

  5. Is a rendition of Juicy contemplated by the phrase "IB Staple"?

  6. Omg. Your explanation of the IB has me tearing from nostalgia. WAHHHH I MISS COLLEGE.
