A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Excuses are the way to go

I'm really good at making excuses, so here are my various excuses for why I haven't been blogging:

1. No internet.

Still. You may be wondering how I'm even writing this, since I have already established that it's not coming from my phone, and that will remain my little secret. No internet also means no TV, which logically would mean I would have more time to blog, but I've actually been extremely productive at important tasks (cleaning, cooking) without the TV to distract me.

2. Big, rented house.

Because we are renting, I have developed a new OCD-like tendency to clean. Prior to moving into this house, I was not one for cleaning. Not to say I was the messiest person ever, but I could definitely tolerate slight-to-moderate messes (ask any/all of my life roommates). However, I feel an overwhelming responsibility to make sure the house is spotless at all (ok, maybe most) times.
Actually, I'm the clean one around here

I have this fear that the owners are just going to show up one day to evaluate the state of the house, which would never really happen because the owners are Dave's cousins, not psychopaths. In any case, I find myself unable to do other activities, such as write a blog post, until all the cleaning tasks have been completed. Not a bad compulsion to have developed, and yet, I can still whine.

3. Harrison.

Obvi. He really puts a damper on my freedom, I'll tell ya. He's always been a crazy human, but lately, his craziness has reached new levels. What I mean by that is that he runs. He runs now. So he runs around the house wanting me to chase after him, he runs around the lawn ready to throw himself in the creek just to make sure I am on watch, he runs from one toy to the next because his attention span is like 5 seconds, he just runs.
Too busy running to care
You'd think this would mean he is tiring himself out more, leading to more naps, but actually, he has begun to resist his afternoon nap entirely, and that's a problem. I couldn't blog when the kid was taking two naps a day so... get ready for absolute hibernation over here. But really, Harrison is just such a ball of energy now, that I think I get more exhausted running after him than he does running himself. And I hear it only gets worse.

4. Employment.

That's right. After a year of the bliss/house arrest of being a stay-at-home mom, I have returned to the work force. Just part-time. I got a serving job so that we won't have to worry about childcare, since I'll be working nights and weekends opposite of Dave. This obviously means I will be seeing Dave a lot less than previously, which sucks, but the awesome part is that I get to leave for work exactly when Harrison's witching period begins. I've dealt with that shit for a year and now it's time to pass the torch. It really is perfect- just when I'm ready to either throw Harrison out a window or pull a Britney and shave my head off, I get to leave!

You don't love me anymore?

Now that I have an income, we will finally return to the civilized world of TV and internet.

Hopefully I will learn the skill of time management better, so that blogging will not be put on the back burner. Mainly just so that I don't have to hear you people whine about it :) However, I am running my first-ever Fantasy Football team this year and I get pretty competitive about stuff, so all of my free time could possibly be devoted to that.


  1. Holy cow! When did Harrison become a little boy? He is still the cutest kid I've ever seen, though.

    My friend was just telling me about how her 10 month old nephew never stopped moving unless he was eating or sleeping. Sounds exhausting :)

  2. You've gone back to work! Hooray! Sounds perfect (except for the part about barely seeing Dave.) Your house, what I could see of it behind Harrison, looks really nice.

    Let's Hangout sometime soon! (If you ever have time, of course, :>)

  3. I've heard the way to build your blog readership is to have your first paragraph really call out your readers and put them in their place, so well done!

    I was actually thinking the other day how impressed I was about how clean your house is and wondering how you do it with Harrison. I need a little of that motivation, because I struggle. Of course, I don't have a child, but I do have someone's laundry that I folded on the living room floor 4 days later. Not naming names though.

    One time I tried fantasy football and it was a major fail but you will be awesome at it! Eric came home last night and was shocked that football was on and I was watching it - all alone!
