A mom's daily struggle with work, play, and a crazy toddler.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Social Butterfly

I seriously suck at consistent blogging. I'm ashamed at myself for only blogging once since the kid was born. In my defense, Dave and I basically share one computer (my laptop is a serious POS and worthless, leaving us with only one that functions). Dave has been studying for his CPA exam, and in the interest of him passing, I did not try to hog the computer for blogging purposes. He starts his job this Tuesday, so I will have more free time with the laptop, and less of an excuse for not blogging.

So what is life after baby like? Exhausting, tiring, and sleepless. Not that those are all synonyms. This first month --yes, we're going on the 1 month mark! Happy One-Month Birthday, Harrison!-- has been quite the whirlwind. In case you don't know much about babies, they really aren't too much fun in their first few weeks of life. They don't smile, you can't tickle them to make them laugh, and pretty much the only interaction is them crying and screaming in your face. Literally all they do is eat, sleep, and dirty their diaper... with emphasis on eat. Harrison eats more than anyone I know. I guess when you are only 5 pounds you can afford to do that. 

It probably sounds like I hate my life and my baby. Not at ALL. I'm just saying that I'm tired, and the fun part of having a baby has yet to come. This part is definitely work, and hard work at that. I had been getting so discouraged that I looked up when babies start to smile. I need some appreciation for all of this mommy business, man. Just so you know, on average it's around 6-8 weeks. 4 weeks down and 2 to go. Bring on those smiles.

That being said, Harrison and the fam have been quite the social butterflies lately. This past weekend was his  0th Birthday Party. Not really. Dave's parents held a shower for him in Watertown so that the Porter family and friends could meet him. As we all know, he is the cutest baby ever, so obviously he was very popular. I'd say like at least 20 different people held him (it only gave me slight anxiety), including his great great-grandmother, who is 98 years old! 
Harrion's pissed. 
Continuing the social butterfly agenda, Harrison and fam went for their first walk! I had not been able to walk or move around for more than approximately 5 minutes without my incision starting to really bother me, until a few days ago. Finally feeling like I could embark on a journey without pain, we ventured into town. 
Pushing a baby doll in a stroller
Tonight, my parents are nice enough to watch Harrison so that Dave and I go out to dinner, and mommy can get her drink on. We're going to the best Mexican restaurant in Rochester, Selena's, with the BEST margaritas known to man. Can't be sure when the last time I had a margarita was, but let me tell you, I'm pretty freaking excited. I'm currently counting down the hours (six). 

The next few photos are just for the cuteness factor.
Little monkey man
Morning, Mom.
I can't be cute ALL the time

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Baby Story

My blogging hiatus is finally over. I'm here today to write all about my little man, Harrison Gregory, and bore you all with the grueling details of my birth story. For those of you that like the show, "A Baby Story", you will probably enjoy this post, and for those of you that don't, here is your warning.

Taking this where I left off with my last post, my second due date had come and gone and still no baby. My doctor had us go in for an ultrasound when he was 4 days past due, to monitor how the baby was doing in there. After seeing the results, she decided to induce labor because his conditions were not ideal. So we make our way to the hospital, calm, cool and collected (or at least thats how I'm going to pretend to remember it). 

Pretty much the second we got settled in our room was about the time shit got real. They give me drugs to induce labor, and as soon as I got my first contraction, the baby's heart rate dropped. The next thing I know, I have an oxygen mask on, staring at the faces of about 8 strangers in scrubs, hearing a lot of things being said and not understanding what the heck was going on. What I did know was: I did NOT want a c-section, and needed my mom there asap. Long story short- baby was not responding well to the drugs I was being given, and we had to resort to an emergency c-section. The doctors also had to put me under general anesthesia to perform the operation, so from that point forward, my memory of the whole ordeal is a lot fuzzy.

When people ask me how I felt holding Harrison for the first time, or how the first night went, I can't really tell them. Waking up from the anesthesia left me so out of it. Like, I know I FaceTimed with my sister, but can't remember what was said. I know I talked to my Gram on the phone, but that's also pretty much all I could tell you. So that kind of sucks. Not the way I would have liked for things to go down, but what can you do. Harrison and I are happy and healthy so that's all that really matters.

That was a very condensed recollection. Didn't wanna bore you too much. Now I'll leave you with a plethora of pictures of him and his cuteness! 

I'm just waking up from a nap and not in the mood to get my picture taken, Mom. 

Our first day home from the hospital. And yes, that IS a smile, not just gas.